Whose Day is it this Tuesday?!
It’s Eric Schmeling’s day for Whose Day Tuesday!
Here’s some fun facts about Eric!
When did you start at Schott Distributing?
April 2002
What is your job title? Describe in 3 words
Sales. Bright Citrus Aromas
What is your favorite part of your job?
Chatting with customers and bugging the office people
What is your go-to beer and why?
I’d say It depends on the time of year. I like my Barrel aged sippers but also anything cold that I can crush!
What is your favorite thing to do when not at work?
Hanging with family and friends and also trying to golf.
Who would you most like to swap places with for the day? Famous or not.
I’d say anyone with a plane.
You’re stranded on a deserted island, what 3 things do you have?
50 gallon drum of sunscreen, 50 gallon drum of burn lotion, my wife Lindsay (she inserts eye roll here).
What’s in your coffee?
I don’t drink coffee so it’s probably beer..
**You can find Schmeling rolling around Rochester in his Goose Island chariot! He goes above and beyond for his accounts (including but not limited to answering phone calls and texts late at night and on weekends) Give him a jump high five next time you see him!
Editors note:
-we found one Eric…you’re welcome
Cheers Schmeling!