Whose Day is it this Tuesday?
It’s Taylor’s day for Whose Day Tuesday!
Taylor’s PSA*** Let’s just assume you are not the first person to joke about us putting the beer in the back of your vehicle. As an isolated joke it’s pretty funny, but when you hear it daily not so much. Ok, now that we got that out of the way let’s keep it moving, thanks***
When did you start at Schott Distributing?
-Part Time: 7 years ago
-Full Time: 5ish years ago
What is your job title? Describe in 3 words
What is your favorite part of your job?
-Free Beer Fridays
What is your go-to beer and why?
-Bud Lt (bottle) or Busch Lt (on tap, extraordinarily delicious). I like a lot of beers but these 2 are good for any situation.
What is your favorite thing to do when not at work?
-I pretty much live and die for football season.
-Love golf, average at it. Tiger is Back
What’s the best meal you’ve ever had?
-My grandma’s chicken and dumplings
You’re stranded on a deserted island, what 3 things do you have?
-A subscription to NFL Sunday Ticket
-A recliner
-(Assuming there will be internet on said island because it’s Taylor’s Whose Day and I can do what I want)
If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
-*Googles weird crayon names*
-Neon carrot sounds good
**Taylor is known for his phenomenal sense of humor and superb talent in making memes.
Cheers Taylor!